Monday, June 2, 2008

Cyst Vanishes During Worship!

Received from Toni Mcallister:

During worship I heard, "Feel to see if your cyst is there" I did and didn't feel anything but I didn't care because I was kind lost in worship but check this out, I have had a cyst on my left hip right under the skin about the size of the tip of my pinky finger since I was a teenager and it was noticeable and irritating! I asked the Doctor to remove it but since it wasn't cancerous he said leave well enough I did.

Ha-Ha! I just looked at it and there is a little pink spot and dimple type mark not a pushed out hard cyst! It's gone! It wasn't painful before or anything, I just hated it! It was ugly to me! Its gone! O.M.G! I love Him! I think people live with their stuff for soooo long they just kinda forget about it, I did? JESUS IS KING over my body!!!

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